Saturday, July 27, 2013

Animals Improve Life

Look at that foot.
Animals improve life, so we should treat them well and not murder them.   It wasn't a human that cheered me up today.  When I was watching a groundhog eat, then she stood on her hind legs to look around, I chuckled.  When I saw rabbits chasing each other, since I assumed (hoped) it was playful rather than aggressive, it also delighted me.
I wish I could have a pet.  Where I live right now, they aren't allowed, but there are more reasons than that for me to not have one.  I love dogs and cats so much.  I think it's a shame when cats never get to  go outside, though.  Neither should people let their cats go totally footloose and fancy free, because they are predators, and they're liable to kill mice and birds for no good reason.  If I had a cat, I believe I would walk him or her on a leash if he or she didn't mind it.  I don't live my life in fear.  I'm not afraid of death, so why should I be afraid of anything else?  If someone wants to make fun of me because I'm walking a cat, they can go to hell.  I don't care about them or what they think of me or anything.  If you're a guy, and you're worried that you're not appearing macho enough, then how manly are you really?  It's the real manly guy who doesn't care what other people say or think, but if someone crosses the line and touches him (or his pet), when he has no business doing so, he will be ready to strike.
I really feel like I have nothing to lose.  I'm not a rock star, movie star, or highly-paid athlete, therefore I'm not very happy about my life.  I don't fear death.  I'm thinking, more and more, I shouldn't take ANY crap.  If somone feels the need to attack me in any way, why shouldn't I reciprocate in a similar fashion?
Of course, there is violence, intimidation, and bullying in the animal world.  It's just the way it is.  This is an angry world.  That's why I'm glad I've never brought anyone into it.  This place is way too violent, vulgar, and vile for my kids.
I'm on a mission to try to help animals as long as I live.  It's the best reason for living I've been able to come up with.   

Saturday, July 20, 2013

So Much Pain

A Young Groundhog
My god, there's so much pain on this planet.  You couldn't possibly measure it.  Life is so hard.  Maybe it isn't for people who have inherited a lot of money, but, for the rest of us, it can be.  For instance, I used to have cable, and I used to watch nature programs.  I still do, on PBS, but it depends.  I don't want to see animals ripping each other apart.  I know it's going on; I just don't need to see it.
This is a violent, brutal world.  As far as I'm concerned, parenting is the big lie.  When humans bring another human, or animal, into this world, I believe they have committed an act of cruelty.  It's so funny to me how backwards it is.  You're supposed to respect and obey your parents.  Why?  Because they brought you into a world of pain, brutality, and misery?
I have to make a distinction here.  Adoptive parents are heroes.  When a couple of people get together and say, to themselves, I refuse to bring someone into this world, but I want to raise a kid, and they adopt as a result-giving a home to a kid who needs one, well, they are certainly heroes as far as I'm concerned.
I hate breeders: for example-of dogs.  There are so many dogs languishing in shelters that deserve loving homes.  They are betrayed by breeders, who bring more dogs into a world that already has tons of homeless dogs, so they can make some money.  Shame on them.  I'd spit in all their faces if I could.  They are human garbage.
But it's even harder to live in this world if you care about animals more than the average uncaring human does.  You try to watch a little TV, and you're bombarded by things that offend you: like commercials that show smiling people eating meat.  We don't need to eat meat.  Those that do, do it out of selfishness.  They refuse to limit their food choices at all.  They don't care at all how many pigs, chickens, cows, turkeys, fish, and so on have to suffer so they can eat whatever the hell they want to.  I'm disgusted by people who eat meat.  I think the murder of an animal, any animal (with the possible exception of bugs, even though I don't harm bugs in my home or elsewhere, I just don't feel as strongly about them as I do about other animals), should be punished as though the person killed a human being.     

Friday, July 12, 2013

Worse Than I Thought

I think these youngsters have been chased away from here.
I realized today, with sadness, that Betsy might have chased all of her children away except for Runty.  Lately, I've only seen her fat ass and Runty.  It's so sad the way groundhogs come and go around here.  Well, it's not sad when they arrive, but it certainly is when they go.  I haven't seen 4 of her children in quite a while. 
I gave Runty that name because he has the thinnest fur of any groundhog I've ever seen.  I have previously referred to Runty as a female, but I have a feeling he's a male.  I assumed he was female, because that's the way I do things.  If I don't know the sex of an animal, I assume that he or she is a female, because lots of people seem to be more protective of their sisters, mothers, wives, girlfriends, and daughters.  I saw a documentary about one of the founders of PETA: Ingrid Newkirk.  She said that animals are never its; they're hes or shes.  I agree wholeheartedly. 
There's plenty of grass for lots of groundhogs, but I guess Betsy doesn't feel that way.  I suppose her children aren't cute enough for her anymore.  I love her, but I don't love her mothering technique.
I sure hope Runty's fur grows in well eventually.  I don't want him to be too cold when winter comes.  Who could he snuggle with?  His mother Betsy?  Perhaps not.  She might be the worst groundhog mother I've ever seen. 
I did read what this guy wrote.  He wrote that groundhogs kill em' all and let god sort them out.  I've seen plenty of groundhog on groundhog violence, and I think I've seen lots of battle scars on little groundhogs.  It's so sad.  They're so cute, but they're lives are filled with fear and violence.  Again, I draw the line when it comes to human on groundhog violence.  I'm willing to get into a fistfight to protect a groundhog or any animal.  They're my brothers and sisters.  They belong on this planet at least as much as we do.
Okay now, black people have demanded their rights and gotten them.  Same thing with women: and now gay people.  It's the animal's turn: all of them.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Bad Groundhog Mommy

What happened to your cheek, baby?
Betsy is a bad groundhog mommy.  As far as she is concerned, her daughters can't go out while she is out.  One of my favorite groundhogs ever, Runty, cautiously approached her mother.  I saw trouble brewing.  Sure enough, she chased after Runty.  Runty ran like her life was at stake; maybe it was.  Betsy chases all of her daughters around.  I guess they're not cute enough for her anymore, and maybe she thinks they should leave the area.  It's a real shame.  Young groundhogs have so much to fear around here.  Of course, yesterday was Independence Day, which meant that idiots were setting off fireworks.  I hate that crap.  I saw the poor, scared groundhogs.  Why must we terrorize the animals of this world so much?
Sometimes the young groundhogs cry when their mommy is chasing them.  I don't blame them.  They have so much to fear.  The damn out-of-control kids around here seem to want to terrorize animals more than anything else.  Thank goodness I'm here to protect them.  I've told kids to leave animals alone twice, and I'll do it as much as I need to.  If their fathers have a problem with that, they better watch it.  I don't care how tough he thinks he is, I won't back down when it comes to protecting animals.  It's wrong for the little bastards to chase and throw rocks at wild animals.  I'll put the fear of god into cruel kids if I need to.
I feel bad for the stray cats in the area, but they scare the hell out of the young groundhogs too.  They're so cute, but they live in a world that frightens them so much.
Betsy is not the only bad groundhog mommy; Sheila was too.  I saw her attack one of her youngsters.  This is such a violent world.  Kill or be killed, they say.  I'm all for peace.  I'll attack no person or animal for no reason.  But if I need to defend myself, or another, I'm ready.  I'm in shape, and I know how to fight.  I won't start trouble, but I'll end it if I have to.
The groundhogs are smart.  I watched Betsy run to the fence which marks the end of the apartment complex.  Then she went under it and into no man's land, which is a narrow wilderness area that stands between this apt. complex and a Wal-Mart.  She'd be safe there.  I wonder if a groundhog dug that hole that goes under the fence.  They are good diggers.  I love 'em all.   

Just in Case

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