Friday, January 20, 2012

Lose Weight and Keep It Off With The Farmer's Diet!

What a cutie!
I lost quite a bit of weight, and I didn't change the food I ate, eat less of it, or exercise more.  I lost so much weight that I had to change the way I shave.  I don't like having sideburns.  I used to shave downward from the top of the bases of my ears.  Since losing the weight, I can't do that anymore.  I lost weight everywhere: including from my face.  As a result, the cheekbones jut out more.  If I try to shave over my cheekbones, I will cut myself there.  But don't be afraid of that; if you want to lose weight, just read on.  I used to do things backwards: a lot of people still do.  I used to exercise on an empty stomach; that didn't make a lot of sense.  I used to skip breakfast and eat a big dinner; it also didn't make sense to do that.
First of all, don't look for a magic pill.  It's simple enough as it is: diet and exercise.  That's all you need to focus on: two things.  And I've read, more than once, that diet is more important than exercise when it comes to losing and maintaining weight.  It's like that line in that Nickelback song, "We'll all stay skinny cause we just won't eat."  I believe that's how many people stay slim; they don't eat that much: just what they need.
I call this The Farmer's Diet, because I think this is how farmers eat.  Begin the day, whether you're hungry for it or not, with your largest, and most nutritious, meal of the day.  There's a catch though.  The other two meals you eat during the day should both be small ones.  What's the point of eating your largest meal just before you go to bed anyway?  It's just going to turn to fat while you're sleeping.  Start off the day with your largest meal and you'll be burning off the calories throughout the day: especially when you exercise.  I think this is the way everyone used to eat before people began to work in offices and before we had all the modern conveniences that we have now.  They began the day with their largest meal because they needed the calories and energy it would provide. 
I exercise four times a week, but I'm pretty sure that about an hour a day, five days a week, is what's recommended for good heart health.  I have quite a bit of discipline when it comes to eating, and I also happen to be vegan, which I'm sure helps. 
So, summing up, it's very simple.  Begin the day with your biggest and most nutritious meal of the day.  The meals I begin each day with are so nutritious that the subsequent two only exist to satisfy hunger.  That brings me to another point; don't stuff yourself.  I never stuff myself, and I never want to.  I don't even necessarily eat till I'm full.  I think the right word is content.  Eat till you're not hungry anymore, not till you're bursting at the seams.  Back to the plan: exercise.  People either do it or they don't.  They either do it or they make excuses why they don't.  It's up to you which type of person you'll be.  Of course, as I mentioned, the less you eat, the less you need to exercise (to a degree).  Most people are aware that exercise is important when it comes to maintaining weight and physical health, but it's also good for mental health.  For instance, anyone who has depression, that doesn't exercise, really should start.
I don't know much about women's clothes sizes, so I don't expect this to mean much to women who don't know anything about men's clothes sizes, but, nevertheless, I went from size 42 waist pants (I wasn't exercising at the time.), to size 36 waist pants (I was exercising, but not eating like a farmer.), to comfortably fitting into size 30 waist pants, like I presently do.  I lost so much weight from my ass.  It essentially became deflated.  The first time I went from sitting in my soft microfiber chair to a rigid New York City subway seat, I really felt the difference.  With much less fat padding my ass, I was hurtin' for certain.  I was shifting and squirming in the seat in a vain attempt to get comfortable.  Of course, being comfy on a subway seat isn't a very good reason to carry a fat ass around with you.  If you needed to, you could carry a cushion around with you; it's better than having a fat ass.   

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I Hate Remakes

They can't remake this original: Bumpkin.
I really do.  It's such a shame that, apparently, there's so little originality left when it comes to making movies.  At this point, I can't imagine being surprised upon finding out about any given remake in the works.  Citizen Kane, starring Zac Efron, sure, why the hell not?  I'm not going to watch it anyway.  I mean, they remade Footloose for God's sake!  Footloose!  Was that really necessary?  And as a fan of horror movies, I'm sickened by the vast majority of the remakes of genre classics.  I like Rob Zombie, but his Halloween wasn't half as good as the original.  That's what happens when you take on one of the very best horror films of all time.  It's the same thing with Texas Chainsaw Massacre and The Omen.  When The Omen came out, a coworker of mine saw it and raved about it. 
"They really didn't change it much at all," he said gushingly.
Really?  Then what was the point of remaking it?  If you want to see The Omen, then why not just watch the original?
"I love this movie.  They should remake it," I've heard a coworker of mine say that several times.
Why?  If you love that movie, then watch it when you feel like it.  When people are fed shit often enough, I think they begin to like it.
Occasionally, a remake is pretty good: like Dawn of the Dead.  It's good, but as far as I'm concerned, George Romero's original version is better.  So, ultimately, what was the point?  Undoubtedly a cash grab.  They pump out the remakes for the same reason why people have attempted to make hit songs using other people's hit songs.  You take a proven winner and try to make it win again.  I don't go to the movies anymore anyway.  When I did, I always seemed to be sitting in front of the jerk off who liked kicking the seat in front of him for the duration of the film.  Additionally, I hate cell phones.  If I heard one go off in a movie theater, then they might be making a movie about the guy who killed someone in a movie theater because he didn't turn his cell phone off.  Perhaps De Niro or Bruce Willis would play me.  At least it would be original material.

Just in Case

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