Saturday, February 16, 2013

Day of the Groundhog

The day of the groundhog is approaching.
This is what the future will be like.  Groundhogs, thanks to Bumpkin, will rule the Earth.  They will all be free to do whatever they want, whenever they want.  No longer shall they run and hide in fear from humans.  They will all be free to graze, walk, sit on their butts, and fornicate wherever they wish to do so.  Their time is coming.  As Bumpkin said, humans have had their chance, and now it's the groundhogs' turn.
One of Bumpkin's plans is to free all the animals that are being imprisoned in zoos.  The cages won't go to waste though.  Bumpkin will fill them with all different kinds of humans.  In this cage, you'll see a UPS guy.  In the next, you'll find a plumber.  Then you'll come across a police officer and so on.  The zoos will be open to all species of animals: as long as they can behave themselves.  And by behave themselves, Bumpkin means they better not attack any other animals who are trying to enjoy the human zoo, or they will have to answer to her.
Bumpkin feels connected to all the animals of the world.  It seems possible that groundhogs will enjoy preferential treatment though.  They will all certainly enjoy her protection.  For instance, I wouldn't want to trade places with a dog that has attacked a groundhog.  In the new order, violence will be met with violence.  It makes sense to me.  That's why I don't go around attacking animals or people.  If I commit violence against another sentient being, then, logically, I can expect some violence to come my way.
Bumpkin won't tolerate any violence whatsoever.  There will be no valid excuses.  All living earthlings, including predators, must become vegans.  She'll give you 2 choices: become vegan or be eradicated.  She's seen enough of animals ripping each other apart on the Discovery Channel.  It grosses her out and makes her sick.  She won't allow anyone to eat any eggs either.  Those eggs were meant to hatch: not be eaten by some fat ass.  Milk products will also be a no-no.  Cow's milk, obviously, exists to feed their calves, and in the future, it will.  No longer will humans tug at cow's udders or use machines to do it.  Anyone who persists in this sort of behavior will be wiped from the face of the Earth.
Will Bumpkin alter the natural order of things here on Earth?  Absolutely.  Will overpopulation be a problem?  I don't think so.  Based on what I've seen, there seems to be no limit to her superpowers; they just keep getting stronger every day.  I think she has the ability to send plants and animals to other planets, solar systems, and universes.  Whenever it becomes too crowded on Earth, she'll just send more people, animals, and plants to other planets and moons.  And there, with Bumpkin's assistance, they will thrive. 
Change is coming.  Get ready for it.            

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Just in Case

if you're here from twitter because i stopped posting, i ask that you NOT ask twitter or anyone to do a wellness check on me. i wouldn...