Saturday, August 31, 2013

Animals Are Better Than People

I took this picture 9/11/01.  I have ones that aren't blemished like this, but I can't find them.
Animals didn't invent war, we did.  Animals didn't invent guns, we did.  Animals didn't invent nuclear weapons, we did.  I could go on like this forever, but perhaps you get the point.  People have done things that animals couldn't even imagine doing.  Sure, some animals have killed and eaten youngsters of their own species.  But at least there was a good reason.  They were hungry.  They were trying to survive.  Perhaps it's all they know.  Some people have killed children for reasons that animals would never kill for.  We have evil in us; they do not.
We should try to follow their example.  Look at groundhogs.  They're vegan; they eat grass and weeds.  Sometimes, they squabble amongst each other, but, for the most part, they're peaceful.  Tonight, I watched mama groundhog lay down near the entrance to her hole/home.  It looked like she was enjoying a nice evening before retiring to her hole.  Just a cute little furball who will never use chemical weapons on anyone and won't fire any tomahawk missiles either.
So much needs to change.  Many more people need to start caring about all animals: not just their pets.  What's the point of loving your cat or dog while you eat murdered pigs, cows, turkeys, and chickens?  What did these animals ever do to you?  It's very easy to be a vegetarian who avoids all foods with eggs in them; that''s what I do.  It's extremely easy to be a vegetarian.  Why not give it a try?  Educate yourself.  Read a book like Animal Liberation by Peter Singer.  If you don't like the first chapter (I didn't.), then skip it (I did.).  The issue is simple.  Animals are confined intensely in cruel conditions before they become food and/or clothing.  The worst part isn't that they're killed, it's how they're treated before they're murdered.  They are treated like machines.  They are packed into warehouse-type buildings.  Their keepers are usually more interested in money than how well these animals are treated.  If meat isn't expensive, part of the reason is that they're treated very badly.  Money comes before their welfare.  I disagree.  Each and every animal is worth more than all the money in the world.  Life is worth more than money. 

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Love Animals

Happy doggy!
I don't fully relate to people who aren't vegans or vegetarians.  We don't need to eat meat, and we'd be much healthier if we didn't.  It's so tragic that people are willing to destroy their own health in order to ensure that animals like pigs, cows, chickens, and turkeys will live miserable lives in captivity until they are unnecessarily murdered.
Watch the documentary Forks Over Knives.  It is an eye-opening experience.  The basic message is don't eat meat, dairy, and processed foods, and you will be much healthier.  If you think that movie is a fluke, then watch Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead.  In that doc, a man who was overweight and on several medications switched to a diet that contains lots of fresh fruit and veggie juice and lost a lot of weight.  He was also able to get off of all the medications he had been on.  This man also convinced an obese truck driver to eat mostly fruit and veggie juice.  The transformation was incredible.  The truck driver was miserable as a meat eater.  Once he consumed mostly fruit and veggie juice, he lost weight and seemed to be much happier. 
That's an important message.  When you eat foods like broccoli, which is basically a superfood, you're eating all-natural medicine.  As many know, delicious blueberries are rich with antioxidants.  Instead of eating dead meat and popping all sorts of pills, you could eat fresh fruits, veggies, nuts, beans, seeds, and grains.  If you're overweight, you'd probably lose weight.  If you're a pill-popper, you might be able to ditch most, if not all, of your medications.
They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks.  I guess not.  It's pretty clear that people would rather get heart disease and cancer than stop eating meat.  How about this?  You're an adult, so maybe you should have control over what you put in your mouth and make smart decisions instead of stupid ones.  And maybe you shouldn't be poisoning your kids with unhealthy foods like meat. 
I suppose that it's been like this forever.  A small part of the population cares about ALL animals (not just pets), and the majority doesn't give a damn about most of them.  It's sad.  Just be careful.  If you're mistreating an animal, and someone tells you to stop, you'd better listen.  If I'm the one telling you to stop, and you don't, you might get your face smashed in.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

I Got Time to Blog

It was so smart of me to mention the standup comedy contest.  I just failed to advance to the finals.  But it was only my second time doing it, and it went much better than the first time.  It was a good crowd, though.  I was lucky to perform in front of a house that was nearly full.
I've previously mentioned here that I've seen nasty birds pecking at, and, I assumed, bullying groundhogs.  But I recently saw something quite strange.  A bird went so far as to jump onto the back of a groundhog, who seemed to do nothing to get the rider off of her.  The bird pecked at the groundhog, and I couldn't help wondering if the purpose of the pecking is to remove bugs from the groundhog's fur.  After all, as cute as they look, I don't know how clean they are.  They live outside: mostly underground, so I suppose they have to deal with their share of parasitic bugs.
I'm so happy to have met a very nice vegan woman.  We had a date, and it went very well.  It's more important that someone I'm dating be vegan or vegetarian than anything else.  It doesn't hurt that she's very pretty with a great smile.  I'm so glad she let me cuddle with her.  For those that don't know, touching, even non-sexual, is so incredibly beneficial to those being touched.  Massage, for instance, can do a world of good to someone.  It can help heal physical ailments.
Once again, I felt the need to intervene on behalf of my beloved groundhogs.  I heard kids talking around the area where the groundhog home is.  I looked out the window, and a kid was trying to fill the hole they live in with debris.
"Stop doing that," I said out the window.
The 2 kids looked up at me.  "Why?"  one of them asked defiantly.
"Cause there are animals living in there," I replied.
"Do they bite?" the kid asked.
I did not answer that.  I should have.  They certainly bite each other; that's for sure.
This kid did something strange.  He proudly pulled a $10 bill from his pocket and showed it to me.  "I'll give you $10 if I can fill this hole," he said with all kinds of braggadocio, as though $10, in his world, equaled a million dollars.
I declined his offer, and eventually, they left.  I went out there to clear whatever he had put in the hole.  The branch was the easy part, but he also had thrown a rock down there that I wasn't able to reach: even with my baseball bat.  But I was overjoyed to see that, later, the groundhogs had gone out anyway.  That rock hadn't stopped them, and that was the important thing.  

Monday, August 12, 2013

I Ain't Got Time to Blog

A young groundhog.
Yet I'll do a short post at least.  I was in a standup comedy competition,  I got knocked out, now I'm back in a wild card round.  So my most obvious thing to focus on is the show that will happen August 18, 2013.  If I'm not memorizing my act, then I'm very nervous. 
To sum up how I feel: don't eat meat.  If you can, omit eggs and milk from your diet as well.  You'd be healthier and you wouldn't be contributing to the suffering of animals like meat-eaters do.
Exercise regularly and religiously if you want to be healthy.
Treat animals as well as you can.  They deserve to be here on this world at least as much as we do.  Let's stop beating, killing, and incarcerating them.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Peace is the Way

Lovable furball.
Wouldn't you rather be like Gandhi or Martin Luther King, Jr, than Hitler or Stalin?  War makes me ashamed to be human.  Animals only kill when they feel they need to; when survival is at stake.  Humans are hypocritical enough to say that murder is a sin and a gravely serious crime, yet do it in a war and you're a hero.  Smoke some towel heads and we'll give you a medal.  What hypocrisy!  I said that to someone and he got pissed off because he had served in the armed forces.  That's a great side to take: pro war, pro destruction, and pro killing. 
People love to mention Hitler when it comes to explaining why war is sometimes necessary.  Hitler would not have been able to do as much damage as he did if he did not have access to the tools of war: tanks, guns, battleships, warplanes, and so on.   
We are a bad-tempered breed.  I always suspected that some of the people who join the military do so because they want to kill people.  Last year, I watched a documentary about an American soldier that fought in Afghanistan.  There was a scene where he interviewed to become a marine.  He was asked why he wanted to be a marine.  He said he wanted to be a marine so he could kill people.  One of the soldiers interviewing him said something like, "Well, that's the best answer I ever heard."  How psychotic.  I wonder how well I'd do trying to impress potential employers by letting them know that I'd like to kill people.  How freaking savage.   
War is stupid and people are stupid.  It's time to get rid of it.  We cannot consider ourselves to be civilized as long as war is being waged.
I can't help thinking about the animals that are killed in wars.  I hate when the police and military train dogs to do their dirty work.  How dare they.  The dogs don't understand the risk: the danger.  It's so wrong to exploit them like that.  Dogs trust us instinctually.  Their trust shouldn't be exploited.  Leave dogs out of wars.  Just feed them, give them water and any needed medical care, pet them, hug them, and love them, because that's what they deserve. 

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