Tuesday, February 25, 2014

World of Misery

I believe this really is a world of misery.  I'm just being real.  I continue to not be able to find a job as I slide further into credit card debt.  I wish that I'd never been born.  Call me a bitcher, call me a whiner; you can even call me a gloomy Gus.  But don't say I'm full of poop.  I'm not full of poop; I'm keeping it real.
I've said it before, but it's worth saying again.  Parenthood is the big lie.  Parents bring their children into this rotten, brutal world.  They do it out of selfishness.  They know this is a cruel world, in which so many people are living miserable lives.  It must be pretty great to wake up in the morning if you're Mick Jagger or Paul McCartney, but for most of the rest of us, it probably isn't.  So many people toil away at jobs they hate, which erode their souls a little more each day.
I've never brought a person or an animal into this violent, vulgar world, and I'm proud of that.  I plan to never do so.  That's all part of the reason why I didn't have sex for 17 years: from age 27-44.  Unfortunately, my parents can't say the same. 
I got a little sidetracked, which happens in this pain-in-the-ass world.  I should explain how biological parents are selfish.  They bring people into this world for themselves.  They want to cheer themselves up.  Maybe they're suicidal, and they want to give themselves a reason to live.  The reality of the situation is that they bring their children into a world that is full of violence, brutality, and misery.  Care to argue with me about that?  How could you possibly do so?
I'm growing tired of this.  I could go on forever like this, but I'm really only posting because I owe one.  This is a little joke I tell myself; I'd kill myself if I had the energy.  Funny, huh?

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