Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Human Ant

Image result for Human Ant
Dear mommy & daddy:
Thank you so much for bringing me into the world to be a human ant.
That's all I am.  I pathetically, and desperately, vie for attention, but it's never enough.  My feeble efforts are drowned out by the billions of other human ants that are also trying to be heard.  I haven't written here for a while, cause I've been seeking attention on Twitter, which, by the way, is here (my account): I pathetically, and frequently, refresh my browser to see if I've gotten likes or retweets.
Ponder the size of the universe.  That's a mind blower.  Think of you in relation to the universe.  You're teeny tiny.  What do our lives really matter?  They matter to us, because we're capable of experiencing pain and suffering.  But we're so hopelessly insignificant to the universe. 

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Just in Case

if you're here from twitter because i stopped posting, i ask that you NOT ask twitter or anyone to do a wellness check on me. i wouldn&#...