We need to protect the environment: for us and the animals. |
Fracking is a method that involves pumping a lot of water, that has been contaminated with hundreds of chemicals, some of them known carcinogens, into the ground for the purpose of getting to the natural gas. Unfortunately, it seems like they frequently don't clean up after themselves very well. Fracking has led to a lot of pollution here in the states. People who live near fracking sites are very unlucky. Many of them have to deal with their water supply being completely contaminated with dangerous chemicals and natural gas. Some of these people are able to hold a flame up to their faucets, turn on the tap, and literally light the water on fire. It seems like plenty of these people can't use their tap water for anything: definitely not drinking. They have to go out and buy all their water; some have huge tanks.
There were also reports of workers dumping one of the results of fracking, toxic waste water, into streams. It was very sad to see a few streams that were obviously heavily polluted. Someone said that all the fish died in at least one of these streams. Additionally, animals died because they drank the polluted water.
Many people who live near these fracking sites have become very sick. One of the guys thinks that it gave him cancer. That's what we can expect when companies are allowed to pump carcinogens into the ground that can get into the water supply. It's a shame that, for some people, money is more important than life. They don't care what they do to other people, animals, and the environment. None of that matters to them as much as cash does.
This is insane! I had no idea about this. You may like this song: https://youtu.be/5FL6X9ClZO0