Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Pain & Suffering

Image result for pain and suffering
I've accepted that life will bring pain & suffering every day.  Every day DOES bring pain and suffering.  The pain is physical, mental, and emotional.  The suffering is mental and emotional.
But it's nothing compared to what animals have to endure because of selfish people.  At work, I have to deal with so many people buying deadly mousetraps and other animal killers.  I want to say something to them, but I don't want to risk losing my job.  I'm trying to live.  Without a job, suicide is more of a possibility.  I want to suggest they use humane methods to trap and release them: unharmed.  If I ever stop giving a fuck altogether, which is a distinct possibility, I might say things like that.  They even buy gopher poison.  I don't know if there are gophers around here, or if they're just targeting my beloved groundhogs.  I'm not in favor of killing either, but it really saddens me to think that people want to kill groundhogs.  They are so cute.
I'm also forced to see a sea of leather.  Some sickos are turned on by leather.  It's dead cow skin.  Cows are peaceful vegetarians.  It's disgraceful, and caveman-like, to wear leather.
At a department store I worked at during the X-mas season, I heard and saw a real cretin in the break room.  She was hideously ugly: inside and out.  She was talking about some sort of family gathering.  "We had 2 things of meatballs, which I didn't need!  I also had sausage."  She told some story about kids who were allowed to shoot birds, which is disgusting and despicable.  She thought it was funny,  In fact, she said a pastor was fine with it: killing for fun.  There's religion for you; people matter (because they put money in the collection plate) and animals don't.  She said she sent a thank you card to the family that contained the bird killers that had a picture of birds on it, and she thought it was hilarious.  Apparently, the father of these kiddie killers got pissed off when squirrels stored nuts in his boat.  She mentioned that, in the card, she wrote that the kids should shoot squirrels instead, and she thought this was very funny.  Hey bitch, animals are cute, and you look and sound like a walking, talking pile of shit.  Fuck you.          

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