Saturday, April 22, 2017


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You love to hunt and fish.  You think this is all part of what makes you a "real man."  Guess again.  You're a cruel coward!  You've evolved as much as a fucking Neanderthal has.  Because you use cruel tools (guns, fishing poles), that other scumbags invented, you have every advantage over your prey.  Hey, if you think you're tough, and you want to attack a living being, why don't you pick a fight with Shaquille O-Neal?  Because he'd beat the shit out of you?  Yeah, that's what I thought.  How about picking a fight with an MMA champ?  Same reason?  How about a female MMA champ?  Same reason?  I thought so.  No, you choose to attack defenseless animals.  Fuck you, you piece of shit coward!  By the way, I love it when hunters get shot.  It's exactly what they deserve: karma, baby. 

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Smiling Monsters

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Smiling monsters are everywhere.  I see them everyday.  Smiling monsters are mentally-competent adult meat eaters that have access to money.  Many of them think that they are wonderful people, because they are well-liked by other humans.  They care about themselves and maybe some other people.  But they don't care about animals, with the possible exception of pets.  Though many smiling monsters have abandoned pets without a second thought.  Why make sacrifices for animals when they can't do anything for you?  This is how the selfish monsters live.  When they buy meat, they support the houses of horrors that are factory farms and slaughterhouses, where unspeakably horrible things happen to animals.  As far as I'm concerned, it is the same (or worse) as paying a hitman to murder a human.  It is evil.  It is despicable.  And since so many people are committing the same crimes against animals regularly, their consciences don't seem to bother them at all. 
I wish I could make these monsters disappear.  The world would be a better place without them.  I wish I could see their names and occupations listed on a computer screen, and I could just click on them and make them disappear that way.  I'd get rid of nonessential meat eaters first (criminals, terrorists, the unemployed).  Then I'd weed out more nonessentials.  We'd need some of them to keep this society going, or maybe we should just go back to natural living, since this society is shit.   

Tuesday, April 18, 2017


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Every single day-
For animals, horror
For people, horror
For Mother Nature, horror

Sunday, April 16, 2017

You Got What You Deserved

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You have a few young kids, and they're out of control and driving you crazy.  You'll break your back working for the money to support them.  You'll be consumed with worry for them.  You brought them into the world to suffer, so you got what you deserved.
You are a mentally-sound adult, you have access to money, you eat meat, you're fat, you have no plans to ever stop eating meat, and no one will ever love you: at least not the way you want them to.  You got what you deserved.
Your only biological son killed himself.  You were counting on him to take care of you in your old age, and now there's no one.  You brought him into this world to suffer, so you got what you deserved.
You're a mentally-sound adult, you have access to money, you love meat, you make bacon jokes, you ate too much meat, and you got cancer as a result.  You got what you deserved.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Reaching Out

I posted this on Facebook today-
"Everyday, I see a lot of people who are quite content with themselves. They really seem to like themselves and think they are good people. But they eat meat. Eating meat is unnecessary. I've survived quite well without it since 2002. I'm slim and probably healthier than a lot of meat eaters. When one buys meat, one supports animal cruelty. There's no way around that. It doesn't matter that most people are meat eaters. Two wrongs don't make a right. Billions of wrongs don't make a right. No amount of wrongs make a right. Yesterday, I heard a coworker talk at length about how he prepares lamb and how delicious it is. It's a real shame that it's socially acceptable to be so thoughtlessly cruel. He spoke in such a pleasant, carefree tone, as though he couldn't possibly be offending someone, but I was definitely offended. Not only are lambs living, breathing, gentle animals, capable of feeling fear and pain, they are also juveniles. So, if you think you are a wonderful person, but you eat meat, ask yourself, are you really?"    

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Right and Wrong

Does she deserve to suffer because you like bacon?
As I was petting a beautiful dog at work yesterday, it occurred to me how simple it is.  I was looking at his sweet face, and he was looking at mine.  His eyes were like mine.  All animals are like him.  They all want, and deserve, to be treated well.  They don't want to be brutalized.  They don't want to suffer.  They are vulnerable, and many of them are completely under our control.  It's wrong to mistreat them.  It's wrong to pick and choose which animals you care about and which should suffer.   

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Disgusted & Depressed

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There's no escape.  I've mentioned before here how strongly I feel about two very important issues, and how I feel as though most people are on the wrong side of them.
It's wrong to eat meat.  When you buy meat, you support animal cruelty.  There's no getting around it.  At work, I have to hear coworkers talking about how much they like certain meat dishes.  I'm disgusted by it.  All I hear is "I'm cruel.  I don't care about the animals I'm eating."  I have to see them eating meat.  I watch TV and movies, and it's more of the same.  I'm disgusted by the fact that so many people have gotten together in their cruelty.  They don't think they're cruel, because most people are doing it along with them.  Vegans and vegetarians are few and far between.  Books, the Internet, and the radio aren't safe harbors either.  People content to be cruel to animals are everywhere.  I'd need to live in the wilderness to escape it.  But, like many, I'm addicted to life in this society. 
The other main issue, again, is procreation.  I was watching TV, and I figured I'd check out the independent film that PBS was going to show.  It turned out to be a documentary about the shooting in which all those kids were killed in Newtown, CT.  First of all, I don't want to watch a movie about the murders of a bunch of kids.  They showed clips from it first.  They showed parents of the murdered kids crying and complaining.  I definitely don't want to see that.  I don't feel sorry for any of those parents at all whatsoever.  Didn't it occur to anyone that these parents brought their kids into a very dangerous and violent world in which all sorts of horrible things could happen to them?  Clearly, in this society, it's more important to be a politically correct pussy than it is to be real.  When horrible things happen to kids, I never feel sorry for the parents.  The parents put the kids in harm's way by bringing them into this brutal world.  No one can do anything to my kids, because I've decided to not bring them into this fucked-up world. 
I went to Wal-Mart to see what they would charge me for a month's supply of my prescribed antidepressant: $127.  Not only can I not afford it, it would be depressing just to pay all that money for it.  It's not worth it anyway.  I still felt as though life sucks while I was taking it.  Fuck the greed in this country, and fuck it's piece of shit president: Trump.        

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Getting Ready for Work

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Once again, I didn't get enough sleep.  I'm tired, in pain (as usual, in multiple areas on my body), and I have a full day of work ahead of me.  It was going to be a 7-hour day, but, as a favor for a coworker, I switched schedules with her.  Also as a result of this switch, I'll be working outside.  I originally was scheduled to work inside, which I prefer.  I harbor no ill will toward the coworker; I like her, but it just goes to show how many different ways you can get screwed in this society. 
Oh yeah, yesterday, April 1st, I was attacked by a Canadian goose, which really happened.

Just in Case

if you're here from twitter because i stopped posting, i ask that you NOT ask twitter or anyone to do a wellness check on me. i wouldn...