Thursday, November 24, 2011

Squirrel Obsession

This squirrel hasn't been shot through the eye; it's just the lighting.
That is what it has become.  It is Thanksgiving, which is just another day for me, except for all the reminders of what a horrible time it is for turkeys.  So as most people continue to think of animals in terms of food (A guy at the supermarket leaned in front of me rudely to grab a turkey while I was browsing the veggie burgers, which made me want to hurt him, but I didn't.), I'll still think of them as my brothers and sisters (the animals, not the human meat-eaters).  I am obsessed with squirrels: particularly those that live around my apartment building.  They are my friends and neighbors.  I have made a regular habit of getting pure, unsalted walnuts for them when I'm shopping.  I'm worried about them because another harsh Rochester winter is just around the corner.  I just recently became aware of their nests.  I did not realize that they build tree houses out of leaves and other found materials.  I noticed that one even appears to have a plastic bag attached to it.  Was that intentional?  I have no idea.  Anyway, I must feed them.  They need extra fat to keep them warm during winter.  How impressive that these nests have withstood truly windy days.  I saw a nest on the ground near a sidewalk, though.  My heart sank.  I inspected it and found no animals, living or dead, in it, which was when I began to breathe again.  I assume that had been a squirrel's nest, though, and that he or she must have had to construct a new one: poor thing.  I certainly hope that no animals were in it when it fell.
But what do squirrels do when they are in their nests?  I hope that they only sleep, eat, and possibly masturbate there (and perhaps count their nuts), otherwise I imagine it would be quite boring.  Perhaps I'll start a business that will provide services and products specifically for squirrels, with an emphasis on leisure (nest) time.  Maybe I'll take some pictures of squirrels that are considered "hot" by other squirrels and post pinups on nest walls while the inhabitants are out foraging.  I can also imagine a cable network that is just for squirrels, which they can watch on tiny, battery-powered TV sets.  One channel will focus on the aforementioned hot squirrels, another on memorable squirrel fights, squirrels having sex would be a no-brainer for another channel, and a channel that showed the proper ways to forage and build nests would be of interest to young squirrels who are getting ready to enter the real world (By the way, what doting parents they must be!  I've never, ever seen a tiny squirrel.  So I assume that they are kept safe and protected by one or both of the parents while they are juveniles.).  And I've seen footage of at least one squirrel water skiing.  That, and other atypical squirrel behavior can show them what sort of limitless potential they all have.  I imagine it could be quite inspiring.  Perhaps I'll call it the Inspiration Channel.

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Just in Case

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