R.I.P. building; you'll be missed |
Bumpkin has earned another title. This time it's Bumpkin the Destroyer. She has just begun to test her powers, and today she unleashed them onto a building in my apartment complex. She destroyed it completely with a giant fireball that emanated from one of her paws. She only needed to raise her little paw to reduce an entire building to rubble. The police came. It seems like I was the only witness. I told them what happened. I don't think they believed me. When will they believe me? When it's too late? This is why Bumpkin's body is the perfect container for all those evil powers. Who would suspect a thing? People are so stupid and narrow-minded. I'm sure there's plenty of people who wouldn't believe what I saw, even if they saw it with their own eyes. She's already gotten away with the complete destruction of a building, the impaling of a cute bunny named Flopsy, and vandalism (When she wrote her name on the sidewalk in Flopsy's blood.).
It doesn't matter who I've called, no one has taken me seriously. I even called the Department of Homeland Security. I watch the news; I read the papers; I know what's going on. Bumpkin represents the gravest threat to the security of the United States. Her superpowers are increasing exponentially. Her attacks will continue and they will defy rhyme and reason. She destroys because she can; it's as simple as that. What will she destroy tomorrow? That's what will keep me awake tonight. Perhaps she'll destroy my building while I'm asleep, and I'll never know what hit me. That's just wishful thinking. My greater fear is that she'll turn me into one of her henchmen. It's getting harder and harder to resist the telepathic orders that she gives me on a regular basis. "I don't feel good. Go pick 345 blades of grass and toss them into my hole." No Bumpkin! "Come on, I'm sick: seriously." No Bumpkin, get it yourself! "You bring me that grass ASAP or I will eradicate you with extreme prejudice!" That did it. I picked and brought her the grass. My back is still sore from bending over 345 times. This is madness. Everyone living in this apartment complex is under her dark spell. Soon, the entire city of Rochester, NY will be under her control. Then she'll take Monroe County. Believe it or not, once she has control of the whole state of New York, and she will, she plans to celebrate by renaming it New Bumpkin. I know because I hear her voice in my brain 24/7! Bumpkin, for the love of all that's holy, please release me from your telepathic clutches!
She is always lurking...