Godspeed Flopsy; you'll be missed |
Come to think of it, I better sneak out tonight and dot the "i" with some ketchup. I'm worried that, once she notices her gaffe, she'll kill again just for the blood to dot the "i."
By the way, it's been confirmed. It's my fault. It happened just as I had suspected. When I chose the perfect name for a baby groundhog, it opened a hole in the ground that allowed the netherworld to bestow Bumpkin with all the evil powers she would ever need. As I feared, whenever you attach a perfectly cute name to a perfectly cute baby groundhog, there's a chance that you've created a perfectly powerful monster.
I know I should try to end Bumpkin's reign of terror before it goes any further, but I don't think I can do that. Sure, I created her, well, I didn't create her, her mama, Sheila, and I think the scrawny groundhog created her via conception, but I am responsible for the evil superpowers she possesses. I know Gregory Peck tried to take his own son out in The Omen, but that was just a movie. That wasn't real. Besides, I don't stand a chance against Bumpkin; she'd eat me for breakfast. I couldn't hurt something that cute anyway. And that's exactly why she'll succeed in her evil ways. Her cuteness will allow her to get away with anything and everything.
I feel her presence...