Thursday, September 21, 2017

Praying Is Lazy

Image result for praying is lazy
I touched on this the last time.  First of all, as usual, leaving children and the mentally disabled out of the equation, belief in god works as a basic intelligence test.  If you believe in god, you are not intelligent.  If you don't believe in god, then you might be intelligent. 
Praying is lazy.  Instead of getting off your ass and really doing something for someone, you can just think, "God, please help Gladys."  That's it.  You're done.  Mission accomplished.  You didn't have to get off the couch.  You didn't even have stop stuffing your face with bonbons as though they were going to be discontinued tomorrow. 
This douchebag customer came into my workplace recently.  He's a very talkative piece of shit that has nothing interesting to say.  One day, he came in and told a shitty story.  He had been waiting in line.  An old woman said something about Jesus.  The douchebag said something like, "Well, I'll pray for you right now."  And, according to him, the woman was so fucking surprised and happy.  He finished with this stupid look on his face, that was probably supposed to convey, "Isn't that an incredibly great story?"  Fuck, no.  It's one of the shittiest stories I ever heard.  Perhaps the woman was lonely.  Maybe she needed someone to do things for her that she can't do anymore.  Maybe she needed someone to just spend some time with her.  But, no, that would require time and effort!  Just think, or say, a quick prayer, and you're done!
My mother told me, at least once I can recall, that she was praying for me.  Thanks for nothing.  I could pray that I have intelligent, successful, competent, and caring parents, but that ain't gonna happen. 
Jim Kelly, who is a former pro (American) football player, has had bouts with cancer.  I remember him, on TV, thanking people for their support.  Not sure if I remember exactly what he said, but the important parts, for this subject, are intact.  He thanked them for their cards, messages, and prayers, and, he added, "especially the prayers."  That annoyed me.  If someone is sending a card, or even just posting something on social media, then they're putting in more effort than someone who is just praying.  If you want to do something without doing anything, then pray.   

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